[get] ( (UK) pt & pp got, cont getting, (US) pt got, pp gotten or getting )transitive verb Conjugation
1. | [bring, fetch]
Conjugation traer
can I get you something to eat/drink? ¿te traigo algo de comer/beber? I'll get my coat voy a por el abrigo could you get me the boss, please? [when phoning] póngame con el jefe |
2. | [door, phone] contestar a |
3. | [obtain]
Conjugation conseguir
she got top marks sacó las mejores notas |
4. | [buy] Conjugation comprar |
5. | [receive]
Conjugation recibir
when did you get the news? ¿cuándo recibiste la noticia? what did you get for your birthday? ¿qué te regalaron para tu cumpleaños? she gets a good salary gana un buen sueldo we don't get much rain no llueve mucho |
6. | [catch - bus, criminal, illness]
Conjugation coger, Conjugation agarrar (Amér)
I've got a cold estoy resfriado he got cancer contrajo cáncer |
7. | [cause to do]
to get somebody to do something hacer que alguien haga algo I'll get my sister to help le pediré a mi hermana que ayude |
8. | [cause to be done]
to get something done mandar hacer algo have you got the car fixed yet? ¿te han arreglado ya el coche? |
9. | [cause to become]
to get something ready preparar algo to get something dirty ensuciar algo to get somebody pregnant dejar a alguien preñada to get things going poner las cosas en marcha |
10. | [cause to move]
can you get it through the gap? ¿puedes meterlo por el hueco? to get something/somebody out of something conseguir sacar algo/a alguien de algo |
11. | [experience - a sensation]
do you get the feeling he doesn't like us? ¿no te da la sensación de que no le gustamos? I got the impression she was unhappy me dio la impresión de que no era feliz I get a thrill out of driving fast disfruto con la velocidad al volante |
12. | [understand]
Conjugation entender
I don't get it (inf) no me aclaro, no lo entiendo he didn't seem to get the point no pareció captar el sentido |
13. | (inf)
poner negro ( f
what really gets me is his smugness lo que me pone negro es lo engreído que es |
14. | [find]
you get a lot of artists here hay mucho artista por aquí |
[get] ( (UK) pt & pp got, cont getting, (US) pt got, pp gotten or getting )intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [become]
Conjugation ponerse
to get angry/pale ponerse furioso/pálido to get ready prepararse to get dressed vestirse I'm getting cold/bored me estoy enfriando/aburriendo it's getting late se está haciendo tarde |
2. | [arrive]
Conjugation llegar
how do I get there? ¿cómo se llega (allí)? to get home llegar a casa I only got back yesterday regresé justo ayer |
3. | [eventually succeed]
to get to do something llegar a hacer algo I never got to know him/visit Moscow nunca llegué a conocerle/visitar Moscú she got to enjoy the classes llegaron a gustarle las clases did you get to see him? ¿conseguiste verlo? |
4. | [progress]
Conjugation llegar
how far have you got? ¿cuánto llevas?, ¿hasta dónde has llegado? we only got as far as buying the paint no llegamos más que a comprar la pintura I got to the point where I didn't care any more llegó un punto en el que ya nada me importaba now we're getting somewhere ahora sí que vamos por buen camino we're getting nowhere así no llegamos a ninguna parte |
[get] ( (UK) pt & pp got, cont getting, (US) pt got, pp gotten or getting )auxiliary verb Conjugation
to get excited emocionarse
someone could get hurt alguien podría resultar herido
I got beaten up me zurraron
let's get going or moving pongámonos en marcha
get about
intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [move from place to place] salir a menudo |
2. | [circulate - news etc] difundirse |
get across
transitive verb separable Conjugation
to get something across to somebody hacerle comprender algo a alguien
to get a message across transmitir un mensaje
get ahead
intransitive verb
[in life] abrirse camino
get along
intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [manage] arreglárselas, apañárselas |
2. | [progress]
how are you getting along? ¿cómo te va? |
3. | [have a good relationship]
to get along (with somebody) llevarse bien (con alguien) |
get around
transitive verb inseparable Conjugation ,
get round
transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
[overcome - problem] Conjugation evitar
[ - obstacle] Conjugation sortear
get around
intransitive verb Conjugation ,
get round
intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [circulate - news etc] difundirse |
2. | [eventually do]
to get around to (doing) something sacar tiempo para (hacer) algo |
get at
transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
1. | [reach]
llegar a, Conjugation alcanzar
he's determined to get at the truth está decidido a descubrir la verdad |
2. | [imply]
referirse a
what are you getting at? ¿qué quieres decir con eso? |
3. | (inf)
stop getting at me! ¡deja ya de meterte conmigo! |
get away
intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [leave] Conjugation salir, Conjugation irse |
2. | [go on holiday]
I really need to get away necesito unas buenas vacaciones to get away from it all escaparse de todo |
3. | [escape] Conjugation escaparse |
get away with
transitive verb inseparable
salir impune de
she lets him get away with everything ella se lo consiente todo
get back
transitive verb separable Conjugation
[recover, regain] Conjugation recuperar
they got their money back les devolvieron el dinero
get back
intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [move away] echarse atrás, apartarse |
2. | [return] Conjugation volver |
get back to
transitive verb inseparable
1. | [return to previous state, activity]
volver a
to get back to sleep/normal volver a dormirse/a la normalidad to get back to work volver a trabajar or al trabajo |
2. | (esp US & inf)
[phone back]
I'll get back to you later te llamo de vuelta más tarde |
get by
intransitive verb Conjugation
get down
transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. | [depress] Conjugation deprimir |
2. | [fetch from higher level] Conjugation bajar |
3. | [write down] Conjugation anotar |
get down to
transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
to get down to doing something ponerse a hacer algo
to get down to work ponerse manos a la obra
get in
intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [enter] Conjugation entrar |
2. | [arrive] Conjugation llegar |
3. | [be elected] salir elegido ( f elegida) |
get in
transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. | [bring in - washing]
meter dentro [ - harvest] Conjugation recoger [ - provisions] aprovisionarse de |
2. | [interject]
to get a word in decir algo |
get in on
transitive verb inseparable
apuntarse a
get into
transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
1. | [car] subir a |
2. | [become involved in]
meterse en
to get into an argument (with) meterse en una discusión (con) |
3. | [enter into a particular situation, state]
to get into a panic or state ponerse nerviosísimo ( f nerviosísima) to get into trouble meterse en líos to get into the habit of doing something adquirir el hábito or coger la costumbre de hacer algo |
4. | [be accepted as a student at]
she managed to get into Oxford consiguió entrar en Oxford |
5. | (inf)
what's got into you? ¿qué mosca te ha picado? |
get off
transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. | [remove] Conjugation quitar |
2. | [prevent from being punished] Conjugation librar |
get off
transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
1. | [go away from]
Conjugation irse or
salirse de
get off my land! ¡fuera de mis tierras! |
2. | [train, bus, table] bajarse de |
get off
intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [leave bus, train] Conjugation bajarse, desembarcarse (Amér) |
2. | [escape punishment]
Conjugation escaparse
he got off lightly salió bien librado |
3. | [depart] Conjugation irse, Conjugation salir |
get off with
transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
(UK & inf) ligar con
get on
transitive verb separable Conjugation
[put on] Conjugation ponerse
get on
transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
[bus, train, horse] subirse a
get on
intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [enter bus, train] subirse, montarse |
2. | [have good relationship] llevarse bien |
3. | [progress]
how are you getting on? ¿cómo te va? |
4. | [proceed]
to get on with something seguir or continuar con algo |
5. | [be successful professionally] Conjugation triunfar |
6. | [grow old]
he's getting on a bit se está haciendo mayor |
get on for
transitive verb inseparable
(inf) [be approximately]
it's getting on for five o'clock son casi las cinco
she's getting on for 65 ronda los 65
get on to
transitive verb inseparable
1. | [begin talking about] ponerse a hablar de |
2. | [contact] ponerse en contacto con |
get out
transitive verb separable Conjugation
[remove - object, prisoner] Conjugation sacar
[ - stain etc] Conjugation quitar
she got a pen out of her bag sacó un bolígrafo del bolso
get out
intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [leave]
Conjugation salir
get out! ¡vete de aquí! |
2. | [leave car, bus, train] Conjugation bajarse |
3. | [become known - news] difundirse, Conjugation filtrarse |
get out of
transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
1. | [car, bus, train]
bajar de
[bed] levantarse de |
2. | [escape from] Conjugation escapar or huir de |
3. | [avoid]
librarse de, Conjugation eludir
to get out of (doing) something librarse de (hacer) algo |
get out of
transitive verb separable Conjugation
[cause to escape from]
to get somebody out of jail ayudar a alguien a escapar de la cárcel
get over
transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
1. | [recover from]
recuperarse de
you'll get over it ya se te pasará |
2. | [overcome] Conjugation superar |
get over
transitive verb separable Conjugation
[communicate] hacer comprender
get over with
transitive verb separable
to get something over with terminar con algo
get round
transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
→ get around
get through
transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
1. | [job, task] Conjugation terminar, Conjugation acabar |
2. | [exam] Conjugation aprobar |
3. | [food, drink] Conjugation consumir |
4. | [unpleasant situation] sobrevivir a, Conjugation aguantar |
get through
intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [make oneself understood]
to get through (to somebody) hacerse comprender (por alguien) |
2. | TELEC conseguir comunicar |
get to
transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
(inf) [annoy] Conjugation fastidiar, Conjugation molestar
get to
intransitive verb Conjugation
[end up] ir a parar
get together
transitive verb separable Conjugation
[organize - project, demonstration] Conjugation organizar, Conjugation montar
[ - team] Conjugation juntar
[ - report] Conjugation preparar
get together
intransitive verb Conjugation
Conjugation juntarse, reunirse
get up
intransitive verb Conjugation
Conjugation levantarse
get up
transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
[organize - petition etc] Conjugation preparar, Conjugation organizar
get up to
transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
(inf) Conjugation hacer, Conjugation montar
I wonder what they're getting up to me pregunto qué demonios estarán haciendo