
verbo intransitivo Conjugation
1. [a piso, azotea]   to go/come up
[a montaña, cima]   Conjugation to climb
2. [aumentar - precio, temperatura]   Conjugation to go up, Conjugation to rise
[ - cauce, marea]   Conjugation to rise
3. [montar - en avión, barco]   Conjugation to get on
[ - en coche]   Conjugation to get in
 sube al coche   get into the car
4. [cuenta, importe]
 subir a   to come o amount to
5. [de categoría]   to be promoted
6. CULIN [crecer]   Conjugation to rise



verbo transitivo Conjugation
1. [ascender - calle, escaleras]   to go/come up
[ - pendiente, montaña]   Conjugation to climb
2. [poner arriba]   to lift up
[llevar arriba]   to take/bring up
3. [aumentar - precio, peso]   Conjugation to put up, Conjugation to increase
[ - volumen de radio etc]   Conjugation to turn up
4. [montar]
 subir algo/a alguien a   to lift something/somebody onto
5. [alzar - mano, bandera, voz]   Conjugation to raise
[ - persiana]   Conjugation to roll up
[ - ventanilla]   Conjugation to wind up
6. MÚS   to raise the pitch of



verbo pronominal
1. [ascender]
 subirse a [árbol]   to climb up
[mesa]   to climb onto
[piso]   to go/come up to
2. [montarse]
 subirse a [tren, avión]   to get on, to board
[caballo, bicicleta]   to mount
[coche]   to get into
 el taxi paró y me subí   the taxi stopped and I got in
3. [alzarse - pernera, mangas]   Conjugation to roll up
[ - cremallera]   Conjugation to do up
[ - pantalones, calcetines]   Conjugation to pull up
4. (familiar) [emborrachar]
 se le subió a la cabeza   it went to his head

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