verbo transitivo Conjugation
1. | [generalmente]
Conjugation to remove
[ropa, zapatos etc] Conjugation to take off quitarle algo a alguien to take something away from somebody de quita y pon removable [capucha] detachable |
2. | [dolor, ansiedad]
Conjugation to take away, Conjugation to relieve
[sed] Conjugation to quench |
3. | [tiempo] Conjugation to take up |
4. | [robar] Conjugation to take, Conjugation to steal |
5. | [impedir]
esto no quita que sea un vago that doesn't change the fact that he's a layabout |
6. | [exceptuar]
quitando el queso, me gusta todo apart from cheese, I'll eat anything |
7. | [desconectar] Conjugation to switch off |
verbo pronominal Conjugation
1. | [apartarse] to get out of the way |
2. | [ropa] Conjugation to take off |
3. | [suj: mancha] Conjugation to come out |
4. | (loc)
quitarse a alguien de encima o de en medio to get rid of somebody |