verbo transitivo Conjugation
1. | [poner fuera, hacer salir]
Conjugation to take out
[lengua] Conjugation to stick out sacar algo de to take something out of nos sacaron algo de comer they gave us something to eat sacar a alguien a bailar to ask somebody to dance |
2. | [quitar]
sacar algo (de) to remove something (from) |
3. | [librar, salvar]
sacar a alguien de to get somebody out of |
4. | [conseguir]
no sacas nada mintiéndole you don't gain anything by lying to him |
5. | [obtener - carné, buenas notas]
Conjugation to get, Conjugation to obtain [ - premio] Conjugation to win [ - foto] Conjugation to take [ - fotocopia] Conjugation to make [ - dinero del banco] Conjugation to withdraw |
6. | [sonsacar]
sacar algo a alguien to get something out of somebody |
7. | [extraer - producto]
sacar algo de to extract something from |
8. | [fabricar] Conjugation to produce |
9. | [crear - modelo, disco etc] Conjugation to bring out |
10. | [exteriorizar] Conjugation to show |
11. | [resolver - crucigrama etc] Conjugation to do, Conjugation to finish |
12. | [deducir]
Conjugation to gather, Conjugation to understand
[conclusión] Conjugation to come to |
13. | [mostrar]
Conjugation to show
lo sacaron en televisión he was on television |
14. | [comprar - entradas etc] Conjugation to get, Conjugation to buy |
15. | [prenda - de ancho]
Conjugation to let out [ - de largo] Conjugation to let down |
16. | [aventajar]
sacó tres minutos a su rival he was three minutes ahead of his rival |
17. | [DEP
- con la mano]
Conjugation to throw in [ - con la raqueta] Conjugation to serve |
verbo intransitivo Conjugation
DEP to put the ball into play
[con la raqueta] Conjugation to serve
verbo pronominal
1. | [poner fuera]
sacarse algo (de) to take something out (of) |
2. | [carné etc] Conjugation to get |
sacar adelante
verbo transitivo
1. | [hijos] Conjugation to bring up |
2. | [negocio] to make a go of |