1. | [in position]
stand back! ¡échense para atrás! to push back empujar hacia atrás |
2. | [to former position or state]
de vuelta
to come back volver to go back volver to look back volver la mirada to walk back volver andando to give something back devolver algo to be back (in fashion) estar de vuelta he has been there and back ha estado allí y ha vuelto I spent all day going back and forth pasé todo el día yendo y viniendo |
3. | [in time]
two weeks back hace dos semanas it dates back to 1960 data de 1960 back in March allá en marzo to think back (to something) recordar (algo) |
4. | [phone, write]
de vuelta
to pay somebody back [give back money] devolverle el dinero a alguien |
1. | [of person]
espalda f
[of animal] lomo m lying on one's back tumbado de espaldas to break the back of (fig) pasar lo peor or la peor parte de behind somebody's back a espaldas de alguien to put somebody's back up poner negro a alguien to stab somebody in the back (fig) darle a alguien una puñalada por la espalda or trapera to turn one's back on somebody/something dar la espalda a alguien/algo, volver la espalda a alguien/algo |
2. | [of hand, cheque]
dorso m
[of coin, page] reverso m [of car, book, head] parte f trasera [of chair] respaldo m [of queue] final m [of room, cupboard] fondo m the back of beyond (UK) el quinto pino to know somewhere like the back of one's hand conocer un sitio como la palma de la mano |
3. | sport [player] defensa m |
[bæk]adjective (in compounds)
1. | [at the back - door, legs, seat]
trasero ( f
trasera) [ - page] último ( f última) |
2. | [overdue - pay, rent] atrasado ( f atrasada) |
[bæk]transitive verb
1. | AUT
to back one's car into the garage meter el coche marcha atrás en el garaje |
2. | [support] Coniugazione respaldar |
3. | [bet on] apostar por |
4. | [strengthen with material] Coniugazione reforzar |
[bæk]intransitive verb
[drive backwards] ir marcha atrás
[walk backwards] ir hacia atrás
back to back
[with backs facing] espalda con espalda
back to front
al revés
back away
intransitive verb Coniugazione
Coniugazione retroceder
back down
intransitive verb Coniugazione
Coniugazione echarse or volverse atrás
back off
intransitive verb Coniugazione
echarse atrás
back onto
transitive verb
(UK) Coniugazione dar (por la parte de atrás) a
back out
intransitive verb Coniugazione
Coniugazione echarse or volverse atrás
back up
transitive verb separable Coniugazione
1. | [support] Coniugazione apoyar |
2. | [reverse] dar marcha atrás a |
3. | COMPUT hacer una copia de seguridad de |
back up
intransitive verb Coniugazione
1. | [reverse] ir marcha atrás |
2. | COMPUT hacer copias de seguridad |