
verbo transitivo Coniugazione
1. [tirar]   Coniugazione to throw
[red]   Coniugazione to cast
2. [meter]   Coniugazione to put
3. [añadir]
 echar algo (a o en algo) [vino etc]   to pour something (into something)
[sal, azúcar etc]   to add something (to something)
4. [decir - discurso]   Coniugazione to give
[ - reprimenda]   Coniugazione to dish out
5. [carta, postal]   Coniugazione to post
6. [humo, vapor, chispas]   Coniugazione to give off, Coniugazione to emit
7. [hojas, flores]   Coniugazione to sprout, Coniugazione to shoot
8. [expulsar]
 echar a alguien (de)   to throw somebody out (of)
9. [despedir]
 echar a alguien (de)   to sack somebody (from)
10. [accionar]
 echar la llave/el cerrojo   to lock/bolt the door
 echar el freno   to brake, to put the brakes on
11. [acostar]   Coniugazione to lie (down)
12. [condena]   Coniugazione to give, to slap on
13. [calcular]
 ¿cuántos años le echas?   how old do you reckon he is?
14. (familiar) [en televisión, cine]   Coniugazione to show
 ¿qué echan esta noche en la tele?   what's on telly tonight?
15. [buenaventura]   Coniugazione to tell
16. (loc)
 echar abajo [edificio]   to pull down, to demolish
[gobierno]   to bring down
[proyecto]   to ruin
 echar a perder [vestido, alimentos, plan]   to ruin
[ocasión]   to waste
 echar de menos   to miss



verbo intransitivo Coniugazione
1. [dirigirse]
 echar por   to go o head along
2. [empezar]
 echar a hacer algo   to begin to do something, to start doing something
 echar a correr   to break into a run
 echar a llorar   to burst into tears
 echar a reír   to burst out laughing



verbo pronominal Coniugazione
1. [lanzarse]
 echarse a   to throw oneself o jump into
2. [acostarse]   Coniugazione to lie down
3. [empezar]
 echarse a hacer algo   to begin to do something, to start doing something
4. [apartarse]
 echarse (a un lado)   to move (aside)
 echarse atrás (figurado)   to back out
5. [obtener]
 echarse (un) novio   to get oneself a boyfriend
6. (loc)
 echarse a perder [comida]   to go off, to spoil
[plan]   to fall through

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