1. | [refusal to work etc]
huelga f
to be (out) on strike estar en huelga to go on strike declararse en huelga |
2. | MIL ataque m |
3. | [find] descubrimiento m |
[straɪk] ( pt & pp struck )transitive verb Coniugazione
1. | (fml)
[hit - deliberately]
Coniugazione golpear, Coniugazione pegar [ - accidentally] chocar contra |
2. | [disaster, earthquake]
Coniugazione asolar
[lightning] Coniugazione fulminar, Coniugazione alcanzar she was struck by lightning le alcanzó un rayo |
3. | [thought, idea] ocurrírsele a |
4. | [give impression]
to strike somebody as something parecer a alguien algo |
5. | [impress]
to be struck by or with something estar impresionado ( f impresionada) por or ante algo |
6. | [deal, bargain] Coniugazione cerrar |
7. | [match] Coniugazione encender |
8. | [find]
Coniugazione encontrar
to strike a balance (between) llegar a un punto medio (entre) to strike a serious note tener un tono de seriedad |
to be struck blind/dumb
quedarse ciego ( f
ciega)/mudo ( f
to strike fear or terror into somebody infundir temor en alguien to strike (it) lucky tener suerte to strike it rich hacerse rico ( f rica) |
[straɪk] ( pt & pp struck )intransitive verb Coniugazione
1. | [stop working] estar en huelga |
2. | (fml)
[hit accidentally]
to strike against chocar contra |
3. | [hurricane, disaster]
Coniugazione sobrevenir
[lightning] Coniugazione caer |
4. | (fml) [attack] Coniugazione atacar |
5. | [chime]
dar la hora
the clock struck six el reloj dio las seis |
strike back
intransitive verb Coniugazione
devolver el golpe
strike down
transitive verb separable Coniugazione
Coniugazione fulminar
to be struck down with something estar sufriendo de algo
strike off
transitive verb separable Coniugazione
to be struck off ser inhabilitado ( f inhabilitada)
strike out
transitive verb separable Coniugazione
Coniugazione tachar
strike out
intransitive verb Coniugazione
[do something different] hacer algo diferente
to strike out on one's own establecerse uno por su cuenta
strike up
transitive verb inseparable Coniugazione
1. | [friendship]
Coniugazione trabar
[conversation] Coniugazione entablar |
2. | [tune] empezar a tocar |
strike up
intransitive verb Coniugazione
empezar a tocar