
[sɪt] (     pt & pp sat,     cont sitting )
intransitive verb Coniugazione
1. [be seated, sit down]   Coniugazione sentarse
2. [be member]
 to sit on   ser miembro de
3. [be in session]   reunirse, celebrar sesión
4. [be situated]   estar emplazado ( f emplazada)
 to sit tight   quedarse quieto ( f quieta)



[sɪt] (     pt & pp sat,     cont sitting )
transitive verb Coniugazione
(UK) [exam]   presentarse a


sit about

intransitive verb Coniugazione ,

sit around

intransitive verb Coniugazione
  estar sentado ( f sentada) sin hacer nada


sit back

intransitive verb Coniugazione
  cruzarse de brazos
 to sit back and do nothing   quedarse de brazos cruzados y no hacer nada


sit down

transitive verb separable Coniugazione
  Coniugazione sentar


sit down

intransitive verb Coniugazione
  Coniugazione sentarse
 sit down, please   siéntese, por favor
 she was sitting down   estaba sentada


sit in on

transitive verb inseparable Coniugazione
  estar presente en (sin tomar parte)


sit out

transitive verb separable Coniugazione
1. [tolerate]   Coniugazione aguantar (hasta el final)
2. [not participate in game, discussion]   no tomar parte en
 I think I'll sit this one out [dance]   creo que voy a saltarme ésta


sit through

transitive verb inseparable Coniugazione
  Coniugazione aguantar (hasta el final)


sit up

intransitive verb Coniugazione
1. [sit upright]   Coniugazione incorporarse
 sit up straight!   siéntate derecho
2. [stay up]   quedarse levantado ( f levantada)
 we sat up until midnight   nos quedamos levantados hasta la medianoche

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