1. | [generally]
mano f
hands up! ¡manos arriba! to hold hands ir cogidos de la mano hand in hand [people] (cogidos) de la mano by hand a mano at the hands of a manos de in hand [problem, situation] bajo control to have two games in hand haber jugado dos partidos menos in the hands of en manos de to have something on one's hands tener algo en sus manos to change hands cambiar de manos or de dueño to force somebody's hand apretar las tuercas a alguien to get or lay one's hands on something hacerse con algo to get or lay one's hands on somebody pillar a alguien to get out of hand [situation] hacerse incontrolable [person] desmandarse to give somebody a free hand dar carta blanca a alguien to give or lend somebody a hand (with) echar una mano a alguien (con) to go hand in hand [things] ir de la mano to have one's hands full estar muy ocupado ( f ocupada) to have time in hand tener tiempo de sobra to overplay one's hand (fig) extralimitarse to take somebody in hand hacerse cargo or ocuparse de alguien to try one's hand at something intentar hacer algo to wait on somebody hand and foot traérselo todo en bandeja a alguien to wash one's hands of something lavarse las manos con respecto a algo with his bare hands con sus propias manos |
2. | [influence]
intervención f,
influencia f
to have a hand in something/in doing something intervenir en algo/al hacer algo |
3. | [worker - on farm]
bracero m,
peón m
[ - on ship] tripulante mf |
4. | [of clock, watch] manecilla f, aguja f |
5. | [handwriting] letra f |
6. | [applause]
a big hand un gran aplauso |
[hænd]transitive verb Coniugazione
to hand something to somebody, to hand somebody something dar or entregar algo a alguien
(close) at hand
on hand
al alcance de la mano
on the other hand
por otra parte
out of hand
[completely] terminantemente
to hand
a mano
hand back
transitive verb separable Coniugazione
Coniugazione devolver
hand down
transitive verb separable Coniugazione
[heirloom] dejar en herencia
[knowledge] Coniugazione transmitir
hand in
transitive verb separable Coniugazione
[essay, application] Coniugazione entregar
[resignation] Coniugazione presentar
hand on
transitive verb separable Coniugazione
Coniugazione pasar, hacer circular
hand out
transitive verb separable Coniugazione
Coniugazione repartir, Coniugazione distribuir
hand over
transitive verb separable Coniugazione
1. | [baton, money] Coniugazione entregar |
2. | [responsibility, power] Coniugazione ceder |
hand over
intransitive verb Coniugazione
to hand over (to) dar paso (a)