verbo transitivo
1. | [gen]
to close, Conjugation to shut
chiudere qc a chiave to lock sthg chiudere un occhio (su qc) to turn a blind eye (to sthg) non chiudere occhio not to sleep a wink chiudi il becco! (fam) shut up! |
2. | [gas, acqua] Conjugation to switch o turn off |
3. | [strada] to close (off) |
4. | [cessare l'attività di] to close (down) |
5. | [concludere] Conjugation to end, to close |
verbo intransitivo
1. | [gen] to close, Conjugation to shut |
2. | [rubinetto] Conjugation to turn off |
3. | [cessare l'attività] to close (down) |
4. | chiudere con qn/qc to finish with sb/sthg |
verbo riflessivo
[isolarsi] to shut o.s. away
verbo intransitivo pronominale
1. | [porta] to close, Conjugation to shut |
2. | [valigia, cassetto, ferita] to close |