1. | [in road, river] curva f |
2. | [revolution, twist] giro m |
3. | [change]
svolta f
to take a turn for the better/worse avere un miglioramento/peggioramento |
4. | [in game, order]
turno m
in turn a turno to take (it in) turns to do sthg fare a turno a fare qc |
5. | [end]
fine f
the turn of the century la fine del secolo |
6. | [performance] numero m |
7. | (UK) (inf) (dated) MED crisi f inv |
to do sb a good turn fare a qn un buon servizio |
[tɜ:n]transitive verb Conjugation
1. | [gen] girare |
2. | [direct]
to turn sthg to sb/sthg volgere qc a qn/qc |
3. | [change]
to turn sthg into sthg trasformare qc in qc |
4. | [make, cause to become]
far diventare
to turn sthg inside out rivoltare qc |
[tɜ:n]intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [change direction]
to turn to sb/sthg rivolgersi a qn/qc |
2. | [rotate, move around - wheel, knob, head]
girare [ - person] girarsi |
3. | [in book]
turn to page 239 andate a pagina 239 |
4. | [for consolation]
to turn to sb rivolgersi a qn to turn to sthg darsi a qc |
5. | [become]
to turn into sthg trasformarsi in qc |
turn against
transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
mettersi contro
turn around
transitive verb separable Conjugation ,
turn round
(UK)transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. | [rotate] girare |
2. | [words, sentence] rigirare |
3. | [quantity of work] completare |
4. | [make more successful] rimettere in sesto |
turn around
intransitive verb Conjugation ,
turn round
(UK)intransitive verb Conjugation
[person] girarsi
turn away
transitive verb separable Conjugation
[refuse entry to] mandare via
turn away
intransitive verb Conjugation
turn back
transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. | [force to return] far tornare indietro |
2. | [fold back] ripiegare |
turn back
intransitive verb Conjugation
[return] tornare indietro
turn down
transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. | [reject] respingere |
2. | [heating, lighting, sound] abbassare |
turn in
intransitive verb Conjugation
(inf) [go to bed] mettersi a letto
turn off
transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
[leave] abbandonare
turn off
transitive verb separable Conjugation
[switch off - gen] spegnere
[ - gas, tap] chiudere
turn off
intransitive verb Conjugation
[leave path, road] girare
turn on
transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. | [make work - gen]
accendere [ - gas, tap] aprire |
2. | (inf) [excite sexually] eccitare |
turn on
transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
[attack] rigirarsi contro
turn out
transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. | [switch off] spegnere |
2. | (inf) [produce] sfornare |
3. | [eject] cacciare |
4. | [empty] svuotare |
turn out
transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
to turn out to be sthg [be in the end] finire per essere qc
[transpire to be] risultare essere qc
it turns out (that) … è venuto fuori che …
turn out
intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [end up]
andare a finire
it all turned out well è andato tutto a finire bene |
2. | [attend]
to turn out (for sthg) presentarsi (per qc) |
turn over
transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. | [playing card, stone, page] voltare, girare |
2. | [consider] rigirare |
3. | [hand over]
to turn sb/sthg over to sb consegnare qn/qc a qn |
turn over
intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [roll over] rigirarsi |
2. | (UK) TV cambiare stazione |
turn round
transitive verb separable & intransitive verb Conjugation
(UK) → turn round
turn up
transitive verb separable Conjugation
[heat, lighting, radio, TV] alzare
turn up
intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [appear, arrive] comparire |
2. | [be found] sbucar fuori |
3. | [happen] venir fuori |