[with finger, stick] Stoß der
[pəʊk]transitive verb Coniugazione
1. | [with finger, stick]
Coniugazione stoßen
to poke sb in the ribs jm einen Stoß in die Rippen geben |
2. | [thrust]
Coniugazione stecken
to poke a hole in sthg ein Loch in etw stechen or bohren he poked his head round the door er steckte den Kopf zur Tür herein |
3. | [fire] Coniugazione schüren |
[pəʊk]intransitive verb Coniugazione
to poke out of hervorschauen aus (+ D)
poke about
intransitive verb Coniugazione ,
poke around
intransitive verb Coniugazione
(inf) Coniugazione herumstochern
poke at
transitive verb inseparable
Coniugazione anstoßen