1. | [one's house, flat]
casa f
when did you get home? quando sei rientrato? to make one's home stabilirsi it's a home from home (UK) , it's a home away from home (US) è come essere a casa propria |
2. | [place of origin] - country]
patria f
[ - city] città f inv natale Manchester's my home now ora Manchester è la mia città |
3. | [family]
to leave home andarsene da casa a broken home una famiglia separata |
4. | [institution] - generally]
istituto m
[ - for elderly] ospizio m [ - for children] orfanotrofio m |
1. | [not foreign] nazionale |
2. | sport
[game, win]
in casa
[team] di casa |
[to or at one's house] a casa
to bring sthg home to sb
far prendere coscienza di qc a qn
to drive or hammer sthg home to sb fare entrare qc in testa a qn |
at home
1. | [in one's house, flat] a casa |
2. | [comfortable]
to feel at home sentirsi a casa at home with sthg a proprio agio con qc to make o.s. at home fare come a casa propria |
3. | [in one's own country] da noi |
4. | sport
to play at home giocare in casa |
home in
intransitive verb Conjugaison
to home in on sthg dirigersi verso qc