verbo transitivo Conjugation
1. | [seccionar - pelo, uñas]
Conjugation to cut [ - papel] Conjugation to cut up [ - ramas] Conjugation to cut off [ - árbol] Conjugation to cut down |
2. | [amputar] Conjugation to amputate, Conjugation to cut off |
3. | [tela, figura de papel] Conjugation to cut out |
4. | [interrumpir - retirada, luz, teléfono]
Conjugation to cut off [ - carretera] Conjugation to block (off) [ - hemorragia] Conjugation to stop, Conjugation to staunch [ - discurso, conversación] Conjugation to interrupt |
5. | [atravesar - calle, territorio] Conjugation to cut across |
6. | [labios, piel] Conjugation to crack, to chap |
7. | [hender - aire, olas] to slice through |
8. | [alimento] Conjugation to curdle |
9. | [recortar - gastos etc] Conjugation to cut back |
10. | [poner fin a - beca etc]
Conjugation to cut [ - abusos etc] to put a stop to |
11. | [avergonzar]
este hombre me corta un poco I find it hard to be myself when that man's around |
12. | [censurar]
Conjugation to censor
[película] Conjugation to cut |
13. | INFORM Conjugation to cut off |
verbo intransitivo Conjugation
1. | (R Dom) [comunicación] Conjugation to hang up |
2. | [producir un corte] Conjugation to cut |
3. | [atajar]
to take a short cut
cortar por to take a short cut through |
4. | [cesar una relación]
Conjugation to break o
split up
he cortado con mi novio I've split up with my boyfriend |
verbo pronominal Conjugation
1. | [herirse]
to cut o.s.
cortarse el pelo to have a haircut |
2. | [labios, piel] to become chapped o cracked |
3. | [alimento] Conjugation to curdle |
4. | [comunicación] to get cut off |
5. | (familiar) [turbarse] to become tongue-tied |