1. | [gap - in clouds]
claro m
[ - in line] espacio m en blanco [ - in transmission] corte m |
2. | [fracture] rotura f, fractura f |
3. | [rupture]
break (with) ruptura f (con) |
4. | [pause]
break (from) descanso m (de) to have or take a break tomarse un descanso |
5. | [holiday] vacaciones fpl |
6. | [playtime] recreo m |
7. | (inf)
oportunidad f
a lucky break un golpe de suerte |
8. | (liter)
at break of day al alba |
break (key) tecla f de interrupción |
[breɪk] ( pt broke, pp broken )transitive verb Conjugation
1. | [generally]
Conjugation romper
[arm, leg etc] Conjugation romperse the river broke its banks el río se desbordó to break somebody's hold escaparse or liberarse de alguien |
2. | [machine] Conjugation estropear |
3. | [journey, contact] Conjugation interrumpir |
4. | [habit, health]
acabar con
[strike] Conjugation reventar |
5. | [law, rule]
Conjugation violar
[appointment, word] faltar a |
6. | [record] Conjugation batir |
7. | [in tennis - service] Conjugation romper |
8. | [tell]
to break the news (of something to somebody) dar la noticia (de algo a alguien) |
[breɪk] ( pt broke, pp broken )intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [come to pieces] Conjugation romperse |
2. | [stop working] estropearse |
3. | [pause]
Conjugation parar
[weather] Conjugation cambiar |
4. | [start - day]
Conjugation romper [ - storm] Conjugation estallar, desencadenarse |
5. | [wave] Conjugation romper |
6. | [escape]
to break loose or free escaparse |
7. | [voice] Conjugation cambiar |
8. | [news] divulgarse |
to break even salir sin pérdidas ni beneficios |
break away
intransitive verb Conjugation
Conjugation escaparse
to break away (from) [end connection] separarse (de)
POL escindirse (de)
break down
transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. | [destroy - generally]
Conjugation derribar, echar abajo [ - resistance] Conjugation vencer |
2. | [analyse] Conjugation descomponer |
3. | [cause to decompose] Conjugation descomponer |
break down
intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [collapse, disintegrate, fail] venirse abajo |
2. | [stop working] estropearse |
3. | [lose emotional control] perder el control |
4. | [decompose] Conjugation descomponerse |
break in
intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [enter by force] entrar por la fuerza |
2. | [interrupt]
to break in (on something/somebody) interrumpir (algo/a alguien) |
break in
transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. | [horse, shoes] Conjugation domar |
2. | [person] Conjugation amoldar |
break into
transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
1. | [house, shop]
Conjugation entrar (por la fuerza) en, Conjugation allanar
[box, safe] Conjugation forzar |
2. | [begin suddenly]
to break into song/a run echarse a cantar/correr |
3. | [become involved in] Conjugation introducirse or adentrarse en |
break off
transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. | [detach] Conjugation partir |
2. | [end]
Conjugation romper
[holiday] Conjugation interrumpir |
break off
intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [become detached] Conjugation partirse |
2. | [stop talking] interrumpirse |
3. | [stop working] Conjugation parar (de trabajar) |
break out
intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [fire, fighting, panic]
[war] Conjugation estallar |
2. | [become covered]
he broke out in spots le salieron granos |
3. | [escape]
to break out (of) escapar (de) |
break through
transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
abrirse paso a través de
break through
intransitive verb Conjugation
abrirse paso
break up
transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. | [ice]
hacer pedazos
[car] Conjugation desguazar |
2. | [relationship]
Conjugation romper
[talks] poner fin a [fight] poner fin a [crowd] Conjugation disolver |
break up
intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [into smaller pieces] hacerse pedazos |
2. | [relationship]
Conjugation deshacerse
[conference] Conjugation concluir [school, pupils] Conjugation terminar to break up with somebody romper con alguien |
3. | [crowd] disolverse |
break with
transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
romper con