verbo transitivo Conjugation
1. | [anotar]
to make a note of, Conjugation to note down
apuntar a alguien [en lista] to put somebody down apúntamelo (en la cuenta) put it on my account |
2. | [dirigir - dedo]
Conjugation to point [ - arma] Conjugation to aim apuntar a alguien [con el dedo] to point at somebody [con un arma] to aim at somebody |
3. | TEATRO Conjugation to prompt |
4. | (figurado) [sugerir] to hint at |
5. | (figurado) [indicar] Conjugation to point out |
verbo intransitivo Conjugation
1. | [vislumbrarse]
Conjugation to appear
[día] Conjugation to break |
2. | (figurado)
apuntar a to point to, to suggest |
verbo pronominal Conjugation
1. | [en lista]
to put one's name down
[en curso] Conjugation to enrol |
2. | [participar]
apuntarse (a hacer algo) to join in (doing something) yo me apunto I'm in |