
verbo transitivo
1. [gen]   Conjugation to serve
 servire freddo/caldo   serve cold/hot
2. [nel calcio - palla]   Conjugation to pass
[ - compagno]   Conjugation to pass (the ball) to



verbo intransitivo
1. [gen]   Conjugation to serve
2. [essere utile]
 servire (a qn)   to be of use (to sb)
 a che cosa serve?   what's the use?
 a che cosa serve questo pulsante?   what's this button for?
 a che cosa serve parlarne?   what's the use of talking about it?
 servire per fare qc   to be used for doing sthg
 non servire a niente   to be no use
 non serve a niente piangere   it's no use crying
3. [fungere]
 servire da qc   to serve as sthg
4. [occorrere]
 mi serve un cappotto nuovo   I need a new coat
 ti serve la macchina stasera?   do you need the car this evening?



verbo intransitivo pronominale
1. [a tavola]
 servirsi (di qc)   to help o.s. (to sthg)
2. [fornirsi]   Conjugation to shop
3. [adoperare]
 servirsi di qc   to make use of sthg
 servirsi di qn [avvalersi di]   to make use of sb
[sfruttare]   to use sb

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