( perf hat/ist eingezogen ) (unreg)transitives Verb Conjugation (hat)
1. | [Bauch, Netz]
Conjugation to pull in
[Krallen, Fahrgestell] Conjugation to retract |
2. | [Faden, Band] to thread in |
3. | [Wand] Conjugation to put in |
4. | [zur Armee] Conjugation to call up |
5. | [Geld, Steuern] Conjugation to collect |
6. | [beschlagnahmen] Conjugation to confiscate |
7. | [Banknoten, Münzen] Conjugation to withdraw (from circulation) |
8. | [einsaugen - Luft, Aroma] Conjugation to breathe in |
9. | (amt) [Informationen] Conjugation to gather |
( perf hat/ist eingezogen ) (unreg)intransitives Verb Conjugation (ist)
1. | [in Wohnung] Conjugation to move in |
2. | [Einzug halten]
Conjugation to enter
[Jahreszeit] Conjugation to arrive |
3. | [Fett, Creme, Flüssigkeit] to be absorbed |