( perf hat/ist eingeschlagen ) (unreg)intransitives Verb Conjugation
1. | (ist) [treffen] Conjugation to strike |
2. | (hat)
Conjugation to agree
[mit Händedruck] to shake on it |
3. | (hat)
Conjugation to steer
nach rechts einschlagen to turn right |
4. | (hat)
[Furore machen - Schallplatte]
to be a hit [ - Erfindung] to be a success [ - Enthüllungen] to cause a furore |
5. | (hat)
auf jn einschlagen to beat sb |
( perf hat/ist eingeschlagen ) (unreg)transitives Verb Conjugation (hat)
1. | [Nagel] to knock in |
2. | [Glas, Tür] to smash in |
3. | [Buch, Geschenk] Conjugation to wrap (up) |
4. | [Weg]
Conjugation to take
[Richtung] Conjugation to go in |