
transitive verb Conjugation
1. [shove]   Conjugation empujar
 to push something into something   meter algo en algo
 to push something open/shut   abrir/cerrar algo empujándolo
2. [press - button]   Conjugation apretar, Conjugation pulsar
3. [encourage]
 to push somebody (to do something)   empujar a alguien (a hacer algo)
4. [force]
 to push somebody (into doing something)   obligar a alguien (a hacer algo)
5. (inf) [promote]   Conjugation promocionar
6. (drug sl)   Conjugation pasar, Conjugation vender



intransitive verb Conjugation
1. [press forward]   Conjugation empujar
[on button]   Conjugation apretar, Conjugation pulsar
2. [move past]
 to push through   abrirse paso (a empujones) entre



(lit & fig)   empujón m
 at the push of a button   con sólo apretar un botón
 to give somebody the push (inf) [end relationship]   dar calabazas a alguien
[from job]   dar la patada a alguien
 at a push   apurando mucho


push ahead

intransitive verb
 to push ahead (with something)   seguir adelante sin parar (con algo)


push around

transitive verb separable Conjugation
(inf)   mandonear


push for

transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
[demand]   Conjugation reclamar


push in

intransitive verb Conjugation
[in queue]   Conjugation colarse


push off

intransitive verb Conjugation
(inf)   Conjugation largarse


push on

intransitive verb Conjugation
  seguir adelante sin parar


push over

transitive verb separable Conjugation
  Conjugation volcar


push through

transitive verb separable Conjugation
[law etc]   conseguir que se apruebe

similar words

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