verbo transitivo Conjugation
1. | [verdura, té]
Conjugation to strain
[café] Conjugation to filter |
2. | [dinero falso]
to pass off as genuine
[mentira] to slip through |
3. | [por un sitio estrecho] Conjugation to slip, Conjugation to squeeze |
verbo intransitivo Conjugation
(familiar) [pasar por bueno]
esto no colará this won't wash
verbo pronominal Conjugation
1. | [líquido]
colarse por to seep through |
2. | [persona]
Conjugation to slip, Conjugation to sneak
[en una cola] to jump the queue (UK) o line (US) colarse en una fiesta to gatecrash a party |
3. | (familiar) [por error] Conjugation to slip up |
4. | (loc)
colarse por alguien (familiar) to fall for somebody |