[blow] golpe m
[push] empujón m
[with elbow] codazo m
[pəʊk]transitive verb Conjugation
1. | [with finger, stick]
Conjugation empujar
[with elbow] dar un codazo a [fire] Conjugation atizar to poke somebody in the eye meter el dedo en el ojo de alguien |
2. | [push, stuff]
to poke something into meter algo en |
3. | [stretch]
he poked his head round the door asomó la cabeza por la puerta |
[pəʊk]intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [protrude]
to poke out of something sobresalir por algo |
2. | [prod]
his elbow was poking into my back me estaba clavando el codo en la espalda |
poke about
intransitive verb Conjugation ,
poke around
intransitive verb Conjugation
(inf) fisgonear, Conjugation hurgar
poke at
transitive verb inseparable
dar golpecitos a