[bləʊ] ( pt blew, pp blown )intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [generally] Conjugation soplar |
2. | [in wind] salir volando, Conjugation volar |
3. | [fuse] fundirse |
[bləʊ] ( pt blew, pp blown )transitive verb Conjugation
1. | [subj: wind] hacer volar |
2. | [whistle, horn] Conjugation tocar, hacer sonar |
3. | [bubbles] Conjugation hacer |
4. | [kiss] Conjugation mandar |
5. | [fuse] Conjugation fundir |
6. | [clear]
to blow one's nose sonarse la nariz |
7. | (inf)
Conjugation ventilarse
(inf) [chance] echar a perder |
1. | [hit, shock]
golpe m
to come to blows llegar a las manos to soften the blow ayudar a encajar el golpe |
2. | [for cause]
a blow (for) un empujón or adelanto (para) |
blow out
transitive verb separable Conjugation
Conjugation apagar
blow out
intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [candle] Conjugation apagarse |
2. | [tyre] Conjugation reventar |
blow over
intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [storm] Conjugation amainar |
2. | [scandal] calmarse |
blow up
transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. | [inflate] Conjugation inflar |
2. | [destroy] Conjugation volar |
3. | [photograph] Conjugation ampliar |
blow up
intransitive verb Conjugation
saltar por los aires