
transitives Verb Coniugazione
1. [Person, Tier]   to lead
 jn zu einem Versteck führen   to show oder lead sb to a hiding-place
2. [leiten - Firma, Hotel]   Coniugazione to run, Coniugazione to manage
[ - Partei]   to lead
[ - Haushalt]   Coniugazione to run
[ - Truppen]   Coniugazione to command
[ - Krieg, Kampf]   Coniugazione to wage
 den Vorsitz führen   to be the chairperson
3. [durchführen - Gespräch]   Coniugazione to hold
 ein Ferngespräch führen   to make a long-distance call
 das Protokoll führen   to take the minutes
 ein langes Gespräch geführt haben   to have had a long conversation
 einen Prozess gegen jn führen   to take legal action against sb
4. [Gegenstand]
 etw mit sich oder bei sich führen   to carry sthg
5. [Ware]   Coniugazione to stock
6. [Liste]   Coniugazione to keep
 sie wird als Mitglied geführt   she's listed as a member
7. [Touristen]   Coniugazione to show around
8. [Name, Titel]   Coniugazione to have
9. [bewegen]   Coniugazione to handle



intransitives Verb Coniugazione
1. SPORT   to lead
 knapp führen   to be just in the lead
 mit 1:0 führen   to be leading 1-0, to be 1-0 up
2. [Straße]   to lead
3. [zu einem Ergebnis]
 zu etw führen   to lead to sthg
 zum Erfolg führen   to bring success
 das führt zu nichts   that won't get us anywhere


sich führen

reflexives Verb
  Coniugazione to behave

Parole vicine

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