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Although the German Lokal can be a place to drink, (bar or pub), it can also be translated by restaurant. So the phrase Abends waren wir in einem netten Lokalmight be translated as In the evening we went to a nice restaurant.
Lokal does not have the familiar sense of the English word local, meaning a favourite or regular place to eat or drink. This would have to be translated as Stammkneipe. So the phrase Our local is only two minutes' walk from here might be rendered as Unsere Stammkneipe ist nur zwei Gehminuten von hier entfernt.
In English the word local has several other significant meanings, both as a noun and an adjective: somebody born in the area(ein Einheimischer); nearby or belonging to the community (örtlich/am Ort/kommunal)
Vous souvenez-vous des nationalités ?
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