( präs bricht, prät brach, perf hat/ist gebrochen )transitives Verb Coniugazione
1. | (hat)
Coniugazione to break
[Ast] Coniugazione to break off [Rose, Blume] Coniugazione to pluck [Trotz, Hartnäckigkeit] Coniugazione to overcome [Ehe] Coniugazione to break up jm/sich den Arm brechen to break sb's/one's arm |
2. | (hat) [erbrechen] Coniugazione to vomit (up) |
( präs bricht, prät brach, perf hat/ist gebrochen )intransitives Verb Coniugazione
1. | (ist)
Coniugazione to break
[Leder] Coniugazione to crack |
2. | (hat) [erbrechen] Coniugazione to vomit, to be sick |
3. | (hat)
[Kontakt abbrechen]
mit jm brechen to break off contact with sb |
4. | (hat)
[Brauch aufgeben]
mit einer Tradition brechen to break with a tradition |
5. | (ist) [durchkommen] Coniugazione to burst out |
sich brechen
reflexives Verb
[Schall] Coniugazione to echo
[Licht] to be refracted
[Wellen] Coniugazione to break