transitives Verb Coniugazione
1. | [herunternehmen - Hut, Brille] Coniugazione to take off |
2. | [hinstellen, hinlegen] Coniugazione to put down |
3. | [aussteigen lassen] Coniugazione to drop off |
4. | [Betrag]
etw von der Steuer absetzen (können) to (be able to) deduct sthg from one's tax |
5. | [Ware] Coniugazione to sell |
6. | [entmachten - König] Coniugazione to depose |
7. | [Aufführung] Coniugazione to drop, Coniugazione to take off |
8. | [Medikament] Coniugazione to come off |
9. | [Kleidung] Coniugazione to trim |
sich absetzen
reflexives Verb
1. | [fliehen] Coniugazione to take off |
2. | [sich ablagern] to be deposited |
3. | [sich entfernen]
sich von etw absetzen to pull away from sthg |
4. | [sich abheben]
sich gegen etw absetzen to stand out against sthg |