
transitives Verb Coniugazione
1. [nicht hören]   not to hear
2. [ignorieren]   Coniugazione to ignore

The verb überhören is a false friend which looks as though it should correspond to the English verb to overhear. In fact it means to not hear or sometimes to ignore in other words, to fail to hear something either intentionally or unintentionally. The phrase Das habe ich leider überhört is equivalent to the English I'm sorry, I didn't catch that.
The verb to overhear in the sense of hearing something by chance is best translated using the construction zufällig hören . I overheard them plotting together could be translated into German as Ich hörte zufällig, wie sie gemeinsam etwas ausheckten .

Parole vicine

On vous demande : « Bonjour, comment allez-vous ? » Votre réponse sera...

  • Bien, et vous ?