[θɪn] ( compar thinner, superl thinnest, pt & pp thinned, cont thinning )adjective
1. | [gen] dünn |
2. | [sparse]
[mist] leicht [hair] dünn, schütter there was a thin crowd there es waren nur wenige Leute da he is a bit thin on top er hat eine leichte Glatze |
3. | [poor - excuse] fadenscheinig |
[θɪn] ( compar thinner, superl thinnest, pt & pp thinned, cont thinning )adverb
his jokes are beginning to wear thin seine Witze klingen reichlich abgedroschen
my patience is wearing thin meine Geduld geht zu Ende
[θɪn] ( compar thinner, superl thinnest, pt & pp thinned, cont thinning )intransitive verb Coniugazione
to be thinning [hair] schütter werden
thin down
transitive verb separable Coniugazione
Coniugazione verdünnen