1. | (esp US)
Laden der,
Geschäft das
[department store] Kaufhaus das |
2. | [supply]
store of sthg Vorrat der an etw (D) |
3. | [storage place] Lager das |
4. | (phrase)
to set great store by or on sthg großen Wert auf etw (A) legen |
[stɔ:ɼ]transitive verb Coniugazione
1. | [keep, save - address, details]
Coniugazione aufbewahren [ - goods, provisions] Coniugazione lagern [ - furniture] Coniugazione einstellen |
2. | COMPUT Coniugazione speichern |
in store
who knows what the future has in store for us? wer weiß, was die Zukunft bringt?
store up
transitive verb separable Coniugazione
[information] Coniugazione ansammeln
to store food Lebensmittelvorräte anlegen