
[kʌt] ( pt & pp cut, cont cutting )
1. [slit]   Schnitt der
2. [wound]   Schnittwunde die
3. [of meat]   Fleischstück das
4. [in salary, film, article]   Kürzung die
5. (inf) [share]   Anteil der
6. [style - of clothes, hair]   Schnitt der
7. (phrase)
 to be a cut above the rest   dem Rest überlegen sein



[kʌt] ( pt & pp cut, cont cutting )
transitive verb Coniugazione
1. [gen]   Coniugazione schneiden
 to cut one's finger   sich (D) in den Finger schneiden
2. [salary, costs, expenditure]   Coniugazione reduzieren, Coniugazione senken
3. [grass]   Coniugazione mähen
4. [tooth]
 to cut a tooth   einen Zahn bekommen
5. [cards]   Coniugazione abheben
6. (inf) [lecture, class]   Coniugazione schwänzen



[kʌt] ( pt & pp cut, cont cutting )
intransitive verb Coniugazione
1. [gen]   Coniugazione schneiden
2. [intersect]   sich kreuzen


cut across

transitive verb inseparable Coniugazione
[as short cut]
 to cut across a field   querfeldein gehen


cut back

transitive verb separable Coniugazione
1. [prune]   zurückschneiden
2. [reduce]   Coniugazione reduzieren, Coniugazione senken


cut back

intransitive verb Coniugazione
 to cut back on sthg   etw einschränken


cut down

transitive verb separable Coniugazione
1. [chop down]   Coniugazione fällen
2. [reduce]   Coniugazione reduzieren, Coniugazione einschränken


cut down

intransitive verb Coniugazione
 to cut down on sthg   etw einschränken


cut in

intransitive verb Coniugazione
1. [interrupt]
 to cut in (on sb)   (jn) unterbrechen
2. [in car]
 to cut in on or in front of sb   jn schneiden


cut off

transitive verb separable Coniugazione
1. [sever]   Coniugazione abschneiden
2. [disconnect - electricity, gas, telephone]   Coniugazione abstellen
 I got cut off [on telephone]   das Gespräch wurde unterbrochen
3. [isolate]
 to be cut off (from sb/sthg)   (von jm/etw) abgeschnitten sein
4. [discontinue]   Coniugazione stoppen, Coniugazione unterbrechen


cut out

transitive verb separable Coniugazione
1. [article, photo]   Coniugazione ausschneiden
[tumour]   herausschneiden
2. [sewing]   Coniugazione zuschneiden
 to be cut out for sthg (fig)   zu etw (D) geeignet sein
3. [stop]   aufhören mit
 cut it out!   lass das sein!
4. [exclude]   Coniugazione ausschließen


cut out

intransitive verb Coniugazione
[engine]   Coniugazione aussetzen


cut up

transitive verb separable Coniugazione
[vegetables]   Coniugazione schneiden
[wood]   hacken
[meat]   Coniugazione aufschneiden

Parole vicine

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  • They … a car, so they take a bus to go to work.