[ʧɪp] ( pt & pp chipped, cont chipping )noun
1. | (UK)
[fried potato]
chips Pommes frites pl |
2. | (US) [potato crisp] Chip der |
3. | [fragment - of wood]
Span der
[ - of stone, metal] Splitter der |
4. | [flaw] angeschlagene Stelle |
5. | [microchip, token]
Chip der
when the chips are down wenn es hart auf hart kommt |
6. | (phrase)
to have a chip on one's shoulder Komplexe haben |
[ʧɪp] ( pt & pp chipped, cont chipping )transitive verb Coniugazione
[damage] Coniugazione anschlagen
chip in
(inf)transitive verb inseparable Coniugazione
[contribute] Coniugazione beisteuern
chip in
(inf)intransitive verb Coniugazione
1. | [contribute] etwas beisteuern |
2. | [interrupt] sich einschalten |
chip off
transitive verb separable Coniugazione
Coniugazione abkratzen