
[kɑ:st] ( pt & pp cast )
1. [of play, film]   Besetzung die
2. MED   Gipsverband der



[kɑ:st] ( pt & pp cast )
transitive verb Coniugazione
1. [gen]   Coniugazione werfen
 to cast one's eye over sthg   einen Blick auf etw (A) werfen
 to cast doubt on sthg   etw in Zweifel ziehen
 to cast a spell on sb   jn verhexen
2. [choose for play, film]
 she cast him in the role of Hamlet   sie gab ihm die Rolle des Hamlet
3. POL
 to cast one's vote   seine Stimme abgeben
4. [metal, statue]   Coniugazione gießen
5. [skin]
 to cast its skin   sich häuten



[kɑ:st] ( pt & pp cast )
intransitive verb Coniugazione
[in fishing]   die Angel auswerfen


cast about

intransitive verb Coniugazione ,

cast around

intransitive verb Coniugazione
 to cast about for sthg   nach etw suchen


cast aside

transitive verb separable
  fallen lassen


cast off

transitive verb separable Coniugazione
(fml) [get rid of]   Coniugazione ablegen


cast off

intransitive verb Coniugazione
1. NAUT   Coniugazione ablegen
2. [in knitting]   Maschen abnehmen


cast on

intransitive verb Coniugazione
[in knitting]   Maschen anschlagen

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