
( f tant a )
aggettivo indefinito
1. [quantità ]   such a lot of, so much
 ho tanto lavoro   I've got so much work o such a lot of work
 lo conosco da tanto tempo   I've known him for such a long time o for ages
 ho tanta fame/tanto sonno   I'm so hungry/sleepy
 tanto … da/che …   so much … that …
2. [numero]   such a lot of, so many
 ho tanti amici   I've got such a lot of friends
 ci sono tante cose da fare   there are so many things to do
 tanti … da/che …   so many … that …
 tanti auguri! [a Natale]   Merry Christmas!
[per il compleanno]   Happy Birthday!
3. [in paragoni]
 tanto… quanto …   as o so much … as …
 tanti… quanti …   as many … as …



( f tant a )
pronome indefinito
1. [quantità]   such a lot
 (così) tanto … da/che …   so much … that …
2. [numero]   so many (people)
 una ragazza come tante   a girl like so many others
 (così) tanti … da/che …   so many … that …
 in tanti   a lot of people,  erano in tanti   there were a lot of people
3. [molta gente]
 tanti   many people
4. [in paragoni]
 tanto quanto   as much as
 tanti quanti   as many as
5. [quantità indeterminata]   some
 un tanto   so much,  un tanto al mese   so much a month
 tanto vale   you/he/we etc. might as well
 tanto vale che tu stia a casa   you might as well stay at home



1. [con verbi]   so much
 ti ringrazio tanto   thank you so much
 mi piace tanto   I like it/him etc. so much
2. [con aggettivi o avverbi]   so
 parlava tanto lentamente   he spoke so slowly
 tanto … da/che …   so … that …,  è tanto grasso che …   he's so fat that …,  sono tanto sciocchi da crederci   they're silly enough to believe it
 tanto meglio!   all the better!
 tanto più che   especially since
3. [in paragoni]
 tanto … quanto …   as … as …,  non studia tanto quanto potrebbe   she doesn't study as much as she could,  era tanto bella quanto intelligente   she was as beautiful as she was intelligent
4. [temporale]   for a long time
 non ci possiamo fermare tanto   we can't stay long
 hai aspettato tanto?   have you been waiting long?
5. [soltanto]   just
 tanto per divertirsi   just for fun
 tanto per cambiare   just for a change
 una volta tanto   once in a while



  in any case

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