1. | [hit]
colpo m,
botta f
they heard a knock at the door sentirono bussare alla porta |
2. | (inf) [piece of bad luck] mazzata f, brutto colpo m |
[nɒk]transitive verb Conjugaison
1. | [head, table]
[nail] battere to knock a hole in the wall fare un buco nel muro |
2. | (inf) [criticize] criticare |
[nɒk]intransitive verb Conjugaison
1. | [on door]
to knock at or on sthg bussare a qc |
2. | [car engine] battere in testa |
knock about
transitive verb separable Conjugaison ,
knock around
(inf)transitive verb separable Conjugaison
[beat up] picchiare
knock about
intransitive verb Conjugaison ,
knock around
(inf)intransitive verb Conjugaison
1. | [wander about] girovagare |
2. | [spend time]
to knock about with sb vedersi con qn |
knock back
transitive verb separable Conjugaison
1. | [drink] tracannare, mandare giù |
2. | [cost] costare |
knock down
transitive verb separable Conjugaison
1. | [subj: car, driver] investire |
2. | [building] buttare giù, abbattere |
3. | [price] abbassare |
knock off
transitive verb separable Conjugaison
1. | [lower price by] scontare |
2. | (UK & inf) [steal] fregare |
3. | (v inf) [sleep with] scopare |
knock off
intransitive verb Conjugaison
(inf) [stop working] staccare
knock out
transitive verb separable Conjugaison
1. | [make unconscious] mettere fuori combattimento, stordire |
2. | [from competition] mettere fuori combattimento, mettere k.o. |
knock over
transitive verb separable Conjugaison
1. | [push over - person]
far cadere [ - glass, bottle] rovesciare |
2. | (UK) [in car] investire |
knock up
transitive verb separable Conjugaison
[meal, report] preparare velocemente
[structure] costruire velocemente
knock up
intransitive verb Conjugaison
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