
[kɑ:st] ( pt & pp cast )
1. [of play, film]   cast m inv
2. MED   ingessatura f
 to have one's leg in a cast   avere una gamba ingessata



[kɑ:st] ( pt & pp cast )
transitive verb Conjugaison
1. [eyes, glance]   gettare
 to cast doubt on sthg   sollevare dei dubbi su qc
 to cast a spell (on sb)   fare un incantesimo (a qn)
2. [light, shadow]   proiettare
3. [throw]   gettare
4. [choose for play, film]
 to cast an actor as sb or in the role of sb   scegliere un attore per la parte di qn
5. POL
 to cast one's vote   votare
6. [metal]   fondere
7. [lose, shed]   perdere



[kɑ:st] ( pt & pp cast )
intransitive verb Conjugaison
[in fishing]   gettare la lenza


cast about

intransitive verb Conjugaison ,

cast around

intransitive verb Conjugaison
 to cast about for sthg   essere alla ricerca di qc


cast aside

transitive verb separable
  mettere da parte


cast off

transitive verb separable Conjugaison
(fml) [shed]   liberarsi di


cast off

intransitive verb Conjugaison
1. NAUT   mollare gli ormeggi
2. [in knitting]   diminuire


cast on

intransitive verb Conjugaison
[in knitting]   avvolgere

Mots proches

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  • I … to the swimming-pool yesterday.