
verbo transitivo
1. [gen]   Conjugación to know
 che io sappia   as far as I know
 far sapere qc a qn   to let sb know (about) sthg
 non si sa mai   you never know
 non volerne sapere di qn/qc   not to want to have anything to do with sb/sthg
2. [scoprire]   Conjugación to find out
[sentire]   Conjugación to hear
 hai saputo di Cristina?   have you heard about Cristina?
 ho saputo che parti domani   I heard you're leaving tomorrow
3. [essere capace di]
 sapere fare qc   to be able to do sthg
 non so guidare   I can't drive
 scusi, sa dirmi dov'è la banca più vicina?   excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest bank is?
 saperci fare con qn   to have a way with sb
4. [lingua]   Conjugación to speak



verbo intransitivo
1. [avere sapore]
 sapere di qc   to taste of sthg
 non saper di niente   not to taste of anything
2. [avere odore]
 sapere di qc   to smell of sthg
 sapere di pulito   to smell clean
3. [sembrare]
 mi sa che sta per piovere   I think it's about to rain



sostantivo maschile
 il sapere   knowledge

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