
verbo transitivo
1. [gen]   Conjugación to send
 mandare qc a qn   to send sthg to sb, to send sb sthg
 mandare qn a fare qc   to send sb to do sthg
 mandare a chiamare qn   to send for sb
 mandare qn al diavolo o a quel paese   to tell sb to go to hell
2. [emettere - odore]   Conjugación to give off
[ - luce]   Conjugación to give out
 mandare avanti qn/qc per primo  to send sb/sthg ahead
 mandare avanti qc famiglia  to support sthg
ditta  to keep sthg going
 mandare qc avanti cassetta, pellicola  to fast-forward sthg
 mandare qc indietro cassetta, pellicola  to rewind sthg
 mandare giù qc cibo  to gulp sthg down
offesa  to swallow sthg
 mandare via qn   to send sb away
 mandare via qc macchia  to get rid of sthg

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  • je m'appelle