1. | [stroll, path] passeggiata f |
2. | [gait] andatura f |
[wɔ:k]transitive verb Conjugación
1. | [escort] accompagnare |
2. | [take out for exercise] portare a spasso |
3. | [cover on foot]
fare a piedi
to walk the streets [be homeless] vagare per strada [in search of sthg] girare per le strade [subj: prostitute] battere il marciapiede |
[wɔ:k]intransitive verb Conjugación
walk away with
transitive verb inseparable
(inf & fig) [win easily] portarsi a casa
walk in on
transitive verb inseparable Conjugación
[interrupt] interrompere
walk off
transitive verb separable Conjugación
[headache] fare una passeggiata per far passare
[meal] fare una passeggiata per smaltire
walk off with
transitive verb inseparable Conjugación
1. | [steal] portarsi via |
2. | [win easily] portarsi a casa |
walk out
intransitive verb Conjugación
1. | [leave suddenly] andarsene |
2. | [go on strike] scioperare |
walk out on
transitive verb inseparable