verbo transitivo
1. | [andare]
Conjugación to go with, Conjugación to accompany (fml)
[venire] to come with, Conjugación to accompany (fml) accompagnare qn a casa/alla stazione/dal medico to take sb home/to the station/to the doctor's |
2. | [porta, cancello] to close o shut gently o quietly |
3. | accompagnare qn con lo sguardo to follow sb with one's eyes |
4. | [unire a]
accompagnare qc con qc to accompany sthg with sthg accompagnare un regalo con un bigliettino to enclose a card with a present |
5. | MUS Conjugación to accompany |
verbo intransitivo pronominale
to go together
accompagnarsi con qc to go with sthg
verbo riflessivo
MUS to accompany o.s.