1. | [supply] scorta f |
2. | (uncountable noun)
scorte fpl
in stock in magazzino, disponibile out of stock esaurito ( f esaurita), non disponibile |
3. | FIN
titolo m
stocks and shares titoli e azioni |
4. | (uncountable noun) [ancestry] ceppo m |
5. | CULIN brodo m |
6. | (uncountable noun) [livestock] bestiame m |
7. | [of gun] calcio m |
to take stock (of sthg) fare il punto (di qc) |
[typical] abituale
[stɒk]transitive verb Conjugación
1. | COMM avere |
2. | [fill] rifornire |
stock up
intransitive verb Conjugación
to stock up (on or with sthg) fare provvista (di qc)