verbo transitivo
1. | [cose materiali]
Conjugación to have (got)
avere la macchina/il computer/il cellulare to have a car/a computer/a mobile phone (esp UK) o cellphone (esp US) non ho niente da mangiare/da bere I haven't got anything to eat/to drink non ho soldi I haven't got any money , I don't have any money hai da accendere? have you got a light? |
2. | [cose non materiali]
Conjugación to have (got)
ha due fratelli he has o he's got two brothers hanno molte amicizie they have o they've got a lot of friends |
3. | [come caratteristica]
Conjugación to have (got)
avere i capelli scuri/biondi to have dark/blond hair avere molta immaginazione to have a good imagination ha la barba he has o he's got a beard ha una bella voce she has o she's got a lovely voice |
4. | [tenere]
Conjugación to have
avere in mano to hold |
5. | [portare addosso]
Conjugación to wear
aveva una giacca scura she was wearing a dark jacket |
6. | [ricevere]
Conjugación to get
avere un premio/una promozione to get a prize/a promotion avere notizie da qn to hear from sb |
7. | [sentire, provare]
avere l'influenza/la febbre to have the flu/a temperature che cos'hai? what's the matter? avere caldo/freddo to be o feel hot/cold avere fame/sonno to be o feel hungry/sleepy avere mal di testa to have a headache |
8. | [età]
Conjugación to be
quanti anni hai? how old are you? ho 18 anni I'm 18 ha tre anni più di me she's three years older than me ha la mia età he's the same age as me |
9. | [impegno]
Conjugación to have (got)
domani ho una riunione I have o I've got a meeting tomorrow ho da fare I have o I've got things to do avere da fare qc [dovere] to have to do sthg |
avere a che fare con qn/qc
to have something to do with sb/sthg
avercela con qn to be angry with sb ne avrò ancora per mezz'ora it'll take me another half an hour quanti ne abbiamo oggi? what's the date today? |
verbo ausiliare
ho finito I've finished
ha aspettato due ore she waited (for) two hours
ti hanno telefonato? did they phone you?
sostantivo maschile plurale
wealth (uncountable)
possedere moltissimi averi to be very wealthy