
transitive verb Conjugación
1. [gen]   tirare
 to pull sthg to pieces   fare a pezzi qc tirando
2. [trigger]   premere
3. [cork, tooth]   estrarre
4. [muscle, hamstring]   stirarsi
5. [crowd, votes]   attirare



intransitive verb Conjugación



1. [tug with hand]   tirata f
2. [influence]   influenza f


pull ahead

intransitive verb
 to pull ahead (of sb/sthg)   sorpassare (qn/qc)


pull apart

transitive verb separable Conjugación


pull at

transitive verb inseparable Conjugación


pull away

intransitive verb Conjugación
1. [from roadside]
 to pull away (from)   partire (da)
2. [in race]
 to pull away from sb   distaccare qn


pull back

intransitive verb Conjugación
[step backwards]   tirarsi indietro


pull down

transitive verb separable Conjugación
[building]   buttare giù


pull in

intransitive verb Conjugación
[vehicle]   accostare


pull off

transitive verb separable Conjugación
1. [clothes, shoes]   togliersi
2. [deal, coup]   riuscire in
 she pulled it off   c'è riuscita, ce l'ha fatta


pull on

transitive verb separable Conjugación
[clothes, shoes]   mettersi


pull out

transitive verb separable Conjugación
[withdraw]   ritirare


pull out

intransitive verb Conjugación
1. [train]   partire
2. [vehicle - into road]   immettersi
[ - into another part of road]   cambiare corsia
3. [withdraw]   ritirarsi


pull over

intransitive verb Conjugación
[vehicle, driver]   accostare


pull through

intransitive verb Conjugación
[patient]   farcela


pull through

transitive verb separable Conjugación
[subj: doctor]   salvare


pull together

transitive verb separable Conjugación
 to pull o.s. together   ricomporsi


pull together

intransitive verb Conjugación
[combine efforts]   unire gli sforzi


pull up

transitive verb separable Conjugación
1. [raise]   tirare su
2. [move closer]   accostare
3. [stop]
 to pull sb up short   dare da riflettere a qn


pull up

intransitive verb Conjugación

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  • My friend … her arm. She can't play the piano now.