
verbo transitivo
1. [rimuovere, eliminare]   Conjugación to remove
 togliere qc dai piedi o di mezzo   to get sthg out of the way
 togliereqc dalla circolazione   to recall sthg
 togliere il disturbo   to take one's leave
 togliersi dalla testa qn/qc   to forget about sb/sthg
2. [sfilare]   Conjugación to take off
 togliersi i vestiti/le scarpe   to take off one's clothes/one's shoes
3. [privare]
 togliere qc a qn   to take sthg away from sb
 togliere il saluto a qn   to ignore sb
 togliersi la fame   to satisfy one's hunger
 togliersi la sete   to quench one's thirst
4. [dedurre]   Conjugación to subtract, Conjugación to take away
5. [liberare]
 togliere qn da qc   to get sb out of sthg



verbo riflessivo
  Conjugación to move away
 togliersi dai piedi o di mezzo   to get out of the way

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