[ˈkærɪ] ( pt & pp carried )transitive verb Conjugación
1. | [gen] portare |
2. | [transport] trasportare |
3. | [be equipped with] avere |
4. | [involve] comportare |
5. | [approve]
the motion was carried by 56 votes to 43 la mozione è passata con 56 voti a favore e 43 contro |
6. | MATHS riportare |
[ˈkærɪ] ( pt & pp carried )intransitive verb Conjugación
[sound] arrivare
carry away
transitive verb inseparable Conjugación
to get carried away farsi prendere la mano
carry forward
transitive verb separable Conjugación
carry off
transitive verb separable Conjugación
1. | [make a success of]
riuscire in
to carry it off riuscire, cavarsela |
2. | [win] portarsi a casa |
carry on
transitive verb inseparable Conjugación
to carry on (doing) sthg continuare (a fare) qc
carry on
intransitive verb Conjugación
1. | [continue]
to carry on (with sthg) continuare (con qc) |
2. | (inf) [make a fuss] fare scene |
3. | (inf)
[have an affair]
to carry on with sb intendersela con qn |
carry out
transitive verb inseparable Conjugación
1. | [order, plan, experiment]
[investigation] compiere |
2. | [promise]
[threat] mettere in atto |
carry through
transitive verb separable Conjugación
[accomplish] realizzare