
sustantivo masculino
1. [generalmente]   shot
 pegar un tiro a alguien   to shoot somebody
 pegarse un tiro   to shoot o.s.
 tiro de gracia   coup de grâce
 tiro libre [en baloncesto]   free throw
 ni a tiros   never in a million years
 me salió el tiro por la culata   it backfired on me
 no van por ahí los tiros   you're a bit wide of the mark there
 sentar como un tiro (a alguien) (familiar)   to go down badly (with somebody)
2. [acción]   shooting
 tiro al blanco [deporte]   target shooting
[lugar]   shooting range
 tiro al plato   clay-pigeon shooting
 tiro con arco   archery
3. [huella, marca]   bullet mark
[herida]   gunshot wound
4. [alcance]   range
 a tiro de   within the range of
 a tiro de piedra   a stone's throw away
 ponerse/estar a tiro [de arma]   to come/be within range
(figurado) [de persona]   to come/be within one's reach
5. [de chimenea, horno]   draw
6. [de pantalón]  distance between crotch and waist
 vestirse o ponerse de tiros largos   to dress oneself up to the nines
7. [de caballos]   team
8. (familiar) [de cocaína]   line

Palabras cercanas

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