verbo transitivo Conjugation
1. | [lanzar]
Conjugation to throw
tirar algo a alguien/algo [para hacer daño] to throw something at somebody/something tírame una manzana throw me an apple tírale un beso blow him a kiss |
2. | [dejar caer]
Conjugation to drop
[derramar] Conjugation to spill [volcar] to knock over |
3. | [desechar, malgastar] Conjugation to throw away |
4. | [disparar]
Conjugation to fire
[bomba] Conjugation to drop [petardo, cohete] Conjugation to let off [foto] Conjugation to take |
5. | [derribar] Conjugation to knock down |
6. | [jugar - carta]
Conjugation to play [ - dado] Conjugation to throw |
7. | [DEP
- falta, penalti etc]
Conjugation to take [ - balón] Conjugation to pass |
8. | [imprimir] Conjugation to print |
9. | (familiar) [suspender] Conjugation to fail |
verbo intransitivo Conjugation
1. | [estirar, arrastrar]
tirar (de algo) to pull (something) tira y afloja give and take |
2. | [suj: prenda, pernera, manga]
to be too tight
me tira de los lados it's a bit tight at the sides |
3. | [disparar]
Conjugation to shoot
tirar a matar to shoot to kill |
4. | (familiar)
to have a pull
me tira la vida del campo I feel drawn towards life in the country tirar de algo to attract something |
5. | [cigarrillo, chimenea etc] Conjugation to draw |
6. | (familiar) [funcionar] Conjugation to go, Conjugation to work |
7. | [dirigirse] Conjugation to go, Conjugation to head |
8. | (familiar)
Conjugation to get by
ir tirando to get by voy tirando I'm O.K., I've been worse |
9. | [durar] Conjugation to last |
10. | [parecerse]
tira a gris it's greyish tira a su abuela she takes after her grandmother tirando a approaching, not far from |
11. | [tender]
tirar para algo [persona] to have the makings of something este programa tira a (ser) hortera this programme is a bit on the tacky side el tiempo tira a mejorar the weather looks as if it's getting better |
12. | [jugar] to (have one's) go |
13. | [DEP
- con el pie]
Conjugation to kick [ - con la mano] Conjugation to throw [ - a meta, canasta etc] Conjugation to shoot |
verbo pronominal Conjugation
1. | [lanzarse]
tirarse (a) [al agua] to dive (into) [al vacío] to jump (into) tirarse sobre alguien to jump on top of somebody tirarse de [generalmente] to jump from [para bajar] to jump down from [para matarse] to throw oneself from |
2. | [tumbarse] Conjugation to stretch out |
3. | [pasar tiempo] Conjugation to spend |
4. | (familiar)
tirarse un pedo/eructo to fart/burp |
5. | (vulg)
tirarse a alguien to screw somebody |