
sustantivo masculino
1. [generalmente, INFORM ]   system
 sistema monetario/nervioso/solar   monetary/nervous/solar system
 sistema experto/operativo INFORM   expert/operating system
 sistema fiscal o impositivo   tax system
 sistema ABS AUTO   ABS (brake) system
 sistema dual TV  system enabling dubbed TV programmes to be heard in the original language
 sistema de gestión de bases de datos INFORM   database management system
 sistema internacional de unidades   SI units pl
 sistema métrico (decimal)   metric (decimal) system
 sistema monetario europeo   European Monetary System
 sistema montañoso   mountain chain o range
 sistema periódico de los elementos   periodic table of elements
2. [método, orden]   method


por sistema

locución adverbial

Sistema educativo
The Spanish education system starts with free nursery school from 3 to 6. This is followed by primary school from 6 to 12, and compulsory secondary education from 12 to 16, successful completion of which entitles pupils to a “secondary school diploma”. There is then a choice of a general course of study (“bachillerato”) or a technical one, both of two years. The bachillerato allows access to university courses: three year diploma courses, or degree courses of four, five or six years. In Latin America, there is great variation in educational provision from country to country. The end of compulsory education ranges from age 11 in Honduras to 16 in Peru, though in most countries it is between 13 and 15. Actual enrolment in primary school is high, even in the poorer countries, but about a third of secondary-school age Latin American children are not actually enrolled. In a poor country such as Guatemala this rises to two-thirds, compared with the high level of secondary enrolment in Argentina, Chile or Cuba.

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