
verbo transitivo Conjugation
1. [generalmente]   Conjugation to want
 quiero una bicicleta   I want a bicycle
 ¿quieren ustedes algo más?   would you like anything else?
 querer que alguien haga algo   to want somebody to do something
 quiero que lo hagas tú   I want you to do it
 querer que pase algo   to want something to happen
 queremos que las cosas te vayan bien   we want things to go well for you
 quisiera hacerlo, pero ...   I'd like to do it, but ...
2. [amar]   Conjugation to love
3. [en preguntas - con amabilidad]
 ¿quiere decirle a su amigo que pase?   could you tell your friend to come in, please?
4. [pedir - precio]
 querer algo (por)   to want something (for)
 ¿cuánto quieres por el coche?   how much do you want for the car?
5. (figurado & irón) [dar motivos para]
 tú lo que quieres es que te pegue   you're asking for a smack
6. (loc)
 como quien no quiere la cosa   as if it were nothing
 quien bien te quiere te hará llorar (prov)   you have to be cruel to be kind (prov)



verbo intransitivo Conjugation
  Conjugation to want
 ven cuando quieras   come whenever you like o want
 no me voy porque no quiero   I'm not going because I don't want to
 queriendo   on purpose
 sin querer   accidentally
 querer decir   to mean
 ¿qué quieres decir con eso?   what do you mean by that?
 querer es poder   where there's a will there's a way



verbo impersonal Conjugation
[haber atisbos]
 parece que quiere llover   it looks like rain



sustantivo masculino



verbo pronominal
  to love each other

similar words

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