verbo intransitivo Conjugation
Conjugation to think
pensar bien/mal de alguien to think well/ill of somebody
pensar en algo/en alguien/en hacer algo to think about something/about somebody/about doing something
pensar sobre algo to think about something
piensa en un número/buen regalo think of a number/good present
dar que pensar a alguien to give somebody food for thought
verbo transitivo Conjugation
1. | [reflexionar] Conjugation to think about o over |
2. | [opinar, creer]
Conjugation to think
pensar algo de alguien/algo to think something of somebody/something pienso que no vendrá I don't think she'll come |
3. | [idear] Conjugation to think up |
4. | [tener la intención de]
pensar hacer algo to intend to do something |
verbo pronominal
pensarse algo to think about something, to think something over